This post is about the website you are using right now. It is my personal website where I publish my CV, post about stuff and link to my other public projects.
How it’s made
To give a bit of information about how this project came to be, I’ll tell you about the tech stack I used to make it.
If you are not a developer yourself, please don’t try to read any of the following. You WILL regret it.
I used the Astro framework to build this site. This is actually my first experience with Astro and so far it has been amazing. The site is almost completely static and uses Astro’s content collections to render MDX files as pages. MDX is an extensions on Markdown that allows you to also use JSX components. So now you know, all of this is written in Markdown.
For hosting I went with my go-to platform, Vercel. I have been using Vercel for a while and they really keep surprising me (in a positive way). I find it amazingly easy to use. Not only am I using it for the hosting itself but Vercel also provides Analytics and Speed Insight tools that I have configured for this site as well. So don’t try to contact me if the site is acting up or getting slow. I’ll know…
Continuous Integration and Delivery
I also use Vercel’s CI/CD capabilities. By linking my repository and my project on Vercel together, I configured it so that, whenever I push changes to the remote server, a new build kicks off and deploys to in under a minute. Yes, that is fast, you have Astro to thank for that.
Other tools
I use some other tools as well, to ease the developer experience. You probably know these.
- Visual Studio Code as my IDE of choice, configured to use the Astro plugin ofcourse.
- Git and Github for version control, tracking tasks, code scanning and vulnerability detection.
For more information about the tools I use, you can checkout the Tools page.
Future plans
If you have tried Astro yourself, you might have noticed that I am still using one of Astro’s blog templates1 (with a few tweaks). I do have plans to change this in the future but I haven’t found the time for this yet.
Sheng Rui’s ‘Resume’ Astro theme: ↩